New ‘Sleep Enhancement Programme’ at Ananda

“The question to ask here is not why aren’t you sleeping, but do you want to sleep? Stop fighting and start listening to what is going on within.”
Shikha Sud, clinical hypnotherapist & energy healer at Ananda


Spring 2023: An estimated 45% of the world’s population are living with chronic sleep problems due to upended routines, more screen time, irregular physical activity, increased food and alcohol consumption, and dissolving boundaries between work and private life. We all know and can personally feel how profoundly sleep affects our quality of life on an everyday basis. Good quality sleep helps us feel healthy, it improves our energy, attention, mood, memory and cognitive function. Meanwhile, studies have shown that prolonged bad sleep can not only ruin your day and increase stress and fatigue levels, it can also, in turn, lead to serious health issues associated with cardiovascular health, neuro-degenerative diseases and gastric disorders.
Rather than reaching for a pot of pills, there are numerous holistic lifestyle solutions to help promote better sleep. Recognized as one of the world’s leading luxury holistic wellness retreats, Ananda in the Himalayas launches its 7-Night Sleep Enhancement Programme to mark World Sleep Day. Drawing on the knowledge pathways of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, alongside Emotional Healing sessions, this multidisciplinary and completely personalised programme educates guests around how to better manage their work-life balance and reduce stress and anxiety levels, as well as introducing a series of tools which guests can integrate as part of their at-home self-care routine.


  • Ayurvedic Approach - Alongside dietary and lifestyle changes and breathwork, Panchakarma therapies followed by shamana therapies such as Abhyanga (full body massage), Pada Abhyanga (foot massage), Netra Tarpan (eye ritual), and Shirodhara (healing technique focused on the third eye chakra) are used to help guests find harmony between body and mind.

  • Oriental Therapy Approach - In Traditional Chinese Medicine, yang energy is active during the day and towards evening the yin energy takes over to induce a sense of calm. TCM remedies for sleep enhancement include acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion along with restoring a yin and yang balance through diet, food therapy and herbal infusions. 

  • Yoga - Guests start the day before sunrise with asanas, pranayama, and meditation and end the day by practicing Yoga Nidra (psychic sleep) at sunset. Mantras are gradually incorporated to creative positive vibrations and aid the sleep process.

  • Emotional Healing - Emotional Healers promote sleep enhancement by working on the subconscious mind through hypnotherapy. These techniques help guests understand the root cause of their sleep disorder and provide tools like self-hypnosis to help guests decompress on a daily basis, aiding both better emotional health and sleep hygiene. 

Top Tips to Sleep Deep
Ananda’s in-house experts are available to provide expert sleep tips such as Ayurvedic recipes for soothing sleep difficulties (eg. Vata sleep tea or a Pitta balancing evening meal), or the  transformative healing story of an Ananda guest with acute insomnia.

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Monday, March 20, 2023