Reset Your Inner Compass At Euphoria

... like that star of the waning summer who beyond all stars rises bathed in the ocean stream to glitter in brilliance.”

12 September 2022: As we survey the landscape of our newly-shaped world, many of us may feel daunted and despondent about not just our own future, but that of humanity. If you are having an 'is this it?' moment, or wondering what’s next, especially as summer comes to an end and a feeling of ‘back-to-reality’ creeps in, perhaps it is time to carve out space for reflection and renewal. Discover the newest, date-led retreat, ‘The Odysseus Journey’ at Euphoria Retreat, designed in direct response to current times to hone inner navigation skills and foster courage, hope, self-knowing, playfulness and emotional regeneration.

Filtered through the metaphorical legend of the Greek hero Odysseus on his epic journey (as described in Homer’s The Odyssey), guests can connect with their life purpose and find their own ITHAKA, reflect on their life path, on decisions made and yet to come, and on a myriad of meaningful directions which could now be taken. Join expert retreat leaders Marina Efraimoglou and Mary Vandorou for group discussions and interactions, Five Elements teachings (a core philosophy at Euphoria Retreat) and immersive experiences all designed to provide profound insights, dissolve that which no longer serves and nurture joyful confidence.

“In the process of exploring the story of Odysseus we reflect on how our decisions might be limiting us and whether we are ready to accept change. There is no right or wrong, no mistakes, just experiences. It is more important to keep moving and know where you want to go next.Marina Efraimoglou, Euphoria Retreat founder and retreat leader.

The Odysseus Journey Retreat also includes 14 carefully-selected spa experiences including the powerful signature treatment 'Sanctuary for Busy Minds', a Byzantine hammam ritual and a Labyrinth Meditation. Harmoniously layered, these experiences are designed to dislodge any inhibiting emotions by balancing the Five Elements (water, wood, metal, fire, earth) and promoting empowered new perspectives. A daily schedule of activities emphasises the importance of nature as the medicine and artfully balances fun, education and relaxation. Food comprises of deliciously light, energy-giving Mediterranean dishes, focusing on balance, taste and vibrancy rather than deprivation.

The Odysseus Journey at Euphoria Retreat is for everyone and is designed to help participants find more meaning and fulfilment in life, learn how to overcome life blocks and change patterns which no longer serve, reset their inner compass and embrace change. After five days of guided self-reflection, the intention is that guests will come away with an awareness of where they stand in life and how to better promote authentic life choices, habits, rituals and goals.

The Odysseus Journey at Euphoria Retreat takes place 20-25 September and November dates TBC.  Prices from £4,285pp

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Monday, September 12, 2022